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Witness 157

Everyday, churches are being faced with finding solutions to the challenges of driving more attendance to their parishes while also attracting active, giving parishioners to help continue sharing their message. By accumulating four generations of experience in helping more than 10,000 churches across the country grow their offertory solutions, we realized we needed to be a part of a solution to help with this new opportunity. After prayerful consideration and reflection on what we could do, we developed a capability that enables us to uniquely help churches Pray, Save and Grow with their mission to spread the word of God. That capability is called Witness 157.
Witness 157 is a printing technology capable of VDP, or variable data printing, at extremely high speed. It enables us to carry a different message and print in color on both sides in a matter of seconds. This also enables us to deliver highly personalized and engaging content to each church and each parishioner, yielding an average of 22% increase in giving to the church.
Our Witness 157 printing solution drastically reduces printing costs, is better for the environment and creates less waste or use of chemicals which is harmful to the environment. All of this translates into a better quality and lower cost offering of envelopes to the people who matter most: the church!
We are here to serve God and you! By passing along these blessings to you for your envelopes, as well as a host of other offertory consultative solutions to grow your church, we will continue to be here for another 100 years serving you!